
With NPM:

npm install vue-airbnb-style-datepicker --save

With Yarn:

yarn add vue-airbnb-style-datepicker

NB: This plugin is dependant on VueJS 2.x and date-fns (for date manipulation). Make sure you have these dependencies installed.

Enable plugin in your app

First off, tell Vue to use the plugin in your main.js:

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

// import component and stylesheet
import AirbnbStyleDatepicker from 'vue-airbnb-style-datepicker'
import 'vue-airbnb-style-datepicker/dist/vue-airbnb-style-datepicker.min.css'

// see docs for available options
const datepickerOptions = {}

// make sure we can use it in our components
Vue.use(AirbnbStyleDatepicker, datepickerOptions)

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App),

The options is optional. It is only needed if you want to overwrite default colors, texts etc. For example if your site uses another language than english. Note that days and daysShort always should start with Monday. So if you want Sunday as the first day in the week, use sundayFirst: true (but days and daysShort should still start with Monday)

Use plugin

Add datepicker in your component like this:

    <div class="datepicker-trigger">
        placeholder="Select dates"
        :value="formatDates(dateOne, dateTwo)"

        @date-one-selected="val => { dateOne = val }"
        @date-two-selected="val => { dateTwo = val }"

import format from 'date-fns/format'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dateFormat: 'D MMM',
      dateOne: '',
      dateTwo: ''
  methods: {
    formatDates(dateOne, dateTwo) {
      let formattedDates = ''
      if (dateOne) {
        formattedDates = format(dateOne, this.dateFormat)
      if (dateTwo) {
        formattedDates += ' - ' + format(dateTwo, this.dateFormat)
      return formattedDates

NB: Note that you need to wrap the datepicker in a <div class="datepicker-trigger">. This is used as the base for the positioning of the datepicker. Also note that the id of element that triggers the datepicker needs to be the same as prop :trigger-element.

This plugin does not dictate how you show the dates. This allows for more flexibility since you can use whatever trigger element you want. The value is being emitted from the component when a date is selected, and handled in the @date-one-selected and @date-two-selected methods. Then you just assign the value to your data properties. And it is up to you to decide how you want to display the dates.
The formatDates() methods is just an example of how it can be solved.

Options for Vue.use(AirbnbStyleDatepicker, datepickerOptions)

Prop name Value
sundayFirst Do you want the week to start on sunday.
Type: Boolean, Default: false
days Name of days in your language. Must start with monday
Type: Array
daysShort Short name of days in your language (what's shown in the days legend). Must start with monday
Type: Array
monthNames Names of months in your language.
Type: Array
dateLabelFormat Used to override the formatting string used for rendering aria labels. Defaults to 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY'.
Type: String
colors Override default colors. Use hex values (#efefef)
Type: Object
texts Override default texts (currently only "Cancel", "Apply", and "Keyboard shortcuts")
Type: Object
ariaLabels Override default aria-label texts. Current options include chooseDate, chooseStartDate, chooseEndDate, selectedDate, unavailableDate, previousMonth, nextMonth, close, openKeyboardShortcutsMenu, and openKeyboardShortcutsMenu. Labels that end in Date are functions which accept a date string for constructing the label text, the rest of the labels are plain strings.
Type: Object
keyboardShortcuts Override the text/labels used inside the keyboard shortcuts menu
Type: Array

Example with all available options:

Vue.use(AirBnbStyleDatepicker, {
  sundayFirst: false,
  dateLabelFormat: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY',
  days: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
  daysShort: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
  monthNames: [
  colors: {
    selected: '#00a699',
    inRange: '#66e2da',
    selectedText: '#fff',
    text: '#565a5c',
    inRangeBorder: '#33dacd',
    disabled: '#fff',
    hoveredInRange: '#67f6ee'
  texts: {
    apply: 'Apply',
    cancel: 'Cancel',
    keyboardShortcuts: 'Keyboard Shortcuts',
  ariaLabels: {
    chooseDate: (date) => date,
    chooseStartDate: (date) => `Choose ${date} as your start date.`,
    chooseEndDate: (date) => `Choose ${date} as your end date.`,
    selectedDate: (date) => `Selected. ${date}`,
    unavailableDate: (date) => `Not available. ${date}`,
    previousMonth: 'Move backward to switch to the previous month.',
    nextMonth: 'Move forward to switch to the next month.',
    closeDatepicker: 'Close calendar',
    openKeyboardShortcutsMenu: 'Open keyboard shortcuts menu.',
    closeKeyboardShortcutsMenu: 'Close keyboard shortcuts menu'
  keyboardShortcuts: [
    {symbol: '↵', label: 'Select the date in focus', symbolDescription: 'Enter key'},
    {symbol: '←/→', label: 'Move backward (left) and forward (right) by one day.', symbolDescription: 'Left or right arrow keys'},
    {symbol: '↑/↓', label: 'Move backward (up) and forward (down) by one week.', symbolDescription: 'Up or down arrow keys'},
    {symbol: 'PgUp/PgDn', label: 'Switch months.', symbolDescription: 'PageUp and PageDown keys'},
    {symbol: 'Home/End', label: 'Go to the first or last day of a week.', symbolDescription: 'Home or End keys'},
    {symbol: 'Esc', label: 'Close this panel', symbolDescription: 'Escape key'},
    {symbol: '?', label: 'Open this panel', symbolDescription: 'Question mark'}

Properties, events & slots for <AirbnbStyleDatepicker />

Prop name Value
triggerElementId The id of the element that user clicks on (without #).
Type: String, Required
mode If datepicker should select a range or just a single date.
Type: String, Required, Values: 'single' or 'range', Default: 'range'
dateOne Model for first date.
Type: String, Required
dateTwo Model for second date.
Type: String, Required if using mode="range"
minDate Disable dates before this.
Type: String
endDate Disable dates after this.
Type: String
offsetY Offset vertical position of datepicker (in pixels from triggerElementId bottom).
Type: Number, Default: 0
offsetX Offset horisontal position of datepicker (in pixels from triggerElementId left or right depending on alignment).
Type: Number, Default: 0
monthsToShow How many months to show. For mobile it's always 1.
Type: Number, Default: 2
startOpen If you want the datepicker start open
Type: Boolean, Default: false
fullscreenMobile Show fullscreen view on mobile.
Type: Boolean, Default: false
mobileHeader Text to show on mobile header
Type: String, Default: 'Select dates'
inline Use inline mode (datepicker always showing)
Type: Boolean, Default: false
enabledDates Disable all dates, except these ones.
Type: Array
disabledDates Disable specific dates.
Type: Array
customizedDates Apply custom CSS class to specific dates.
Type: Array of Hashmaps
Keys: cssClass (String), dates (Array)
Note: Provided CSS class name will be prefixed with asd__day--, so for example if the value of cssClass is booked applied CSS class will be asd__day--booked.
showActionButtons Show/hide action buttons ("Apply", "Cancel")
Type: Boolean, Default: false
showShortcutsMenuTrigger Show/hide the keyboard shortcuts helper menu trigger ("?")
Type: Boolean, Default: true
showMonthYearSelect Show/hide the month/year select dropdowns
Type: Boolean, Default: false
yearsForSelect Controls the number of years before/after the startingDate to be shown in the month/year select. Will use minDate/maxDate instead if those are available.
Type: Number, Default: 10
trigger To programmatically show datepicker. For example if you want to open the datepicker by clicking some other HTML element. You manually need to reset this variable though in the @closed method.
Type: Boolean, Default: false
closeAfterSelect Automatically close datepicker after all dates have been selected.
Type: Boolean, Default: false
@date-one-selected Event emitted when second date is selected.
@date-two-selected Event emitted when second date is selected.
Required if using mode="range"
@opened Event emitted when datepicker is opened.
@closed Event emitted when datepicker is closed.
@cancelled Event emitted when user clicks "Cancel".
@apply Event emitted when user clicks "Apply"
@previous-month Event emitted when user changes to previous month. Returns array with first date in visible months. ['2019-09-01', '2019-10-01']
@next-month Event emitted when user changes to next month. Returns array with first date in visible months. ['2019-09-01', '2019-10-01']
previous-month-icon Optional, slot used to override the previous month left arrow icon. Uses default icon if nothing is passed.
next-month-icon Optional, slot used to override the next month right arrow icon. Uses default icon if nothing is passed.
close-icon Optional, slot used to override the mobile close X icon. Uses default icon if nothing is passed.
close-shortcuts-icon Optional, slot used to override the modal close X icon in the keyboard shortcuts menu. Uses default icon if nothing is passed.

Example with all properties (not recommended, only to show values):

  :mobile-header="'Mobile header text'"
  :enabled-dates="['2018-12-01', '2018-12-08']"
  :disabled-dates="['2018-10-20', '2018-10-22']"
    { cssClass: 'booked', dates: ['2019-03-20', '2019-03-21'] },
    { cssClass: 'not-available', dates: ['2019-04-24', '2019-03-25'] }
  @date-one-selected="val => { dateOne = val }"
  @date-two-selected="val => { dateTwo = val }"

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